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Title: Role of adjuvant homoeopathic medicines in the management of intellectual disability: A purposive, non-randomised, self-controlled, pre- and post-intervention pilot study
Authors: S. Arora, Dhara
Keywords: Adaptive functioning
Practical and individual domains
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-V-V
Issue Date: 2021
Citation: Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy Vol: 15(4)
Abstract: Background: Intellectual disability (ID) is characterised by below-average intelligence and a lack of skills necessary for day-to-day living. A study was conducted by our institute at a school for students of special needs. Objectives: The objectives of the study were to demonstrate the role of homoeopathic management in ID. Methods: A purposive, non-randomised, self-controlled, pre- and post-intervention study of 25 participants was done. The initial 6 months were the control period, thereafter, the same participants were treated for 18 months, with homoeopathy. Treatment outcomes were assessed using domains of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-V-V. Scores of each domain were observed at 6 months interval and analysed. Results: A statistically significant difference (P < 0.001) was observed in adaptive functioning treatment scores for conceptual domain, social domain and practical domain. It justifies the clinically significant improvement in the features of ID, reflected in all domains of adaptive functioning, cognition, hyperactivity, behavioural dysfunction and communication difficulty. Furthermore, it was seen that the dosage of pharmacological medicines was gradually tapered off in most cases. Conclusion: The study has demonstrated the utility of homoeopathic treatment as an adjuvant in the management of ID, which is reflected through significant improvement in psychosocial adaptation of the subjects and improved their quality of life.
Appears in Collections:Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy

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