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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 804
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009North American homeopathic educational surveyRowe, Todd
2009Miasm in the mineral kingdomMorrison, Roger
2009Diagnosis part TwoMoskowitz, Richard
2009A case for medical homeopathyA Hoover, Todd
2008A case of severe fibromyalgia and gastroparesisSaltzman, Susanne
2008Psychosomatic healingC Whitmont, Edward
2008The State of our materia medicaDimitriadis, George
2008Barberry and the treatment of sexual traumaLange, Andrew
2008From savage to civil: A dramatic case of tarentula hispanicaRobinson, Karl
2008Towards an inclusive legislative model for the homeopathic professionAllen, Karen; Butehorn, Loretta; Huenecke, Jason Aeric
2008Report of the USA on the 63rd congress of the LMHI, Belgium 2008Hiltner, Richard
2008Celebrating links October 19-21, 2007, GermanyYasgur, Jay
2008When new symptoms appear after homeopathic treatmentRobinson, Karl
2008Benign prostatic hypertrophy: Analysis and homeopathic treatmentWeinstein, Corey
2008Letting the symptoms fall where they mayRobinson, Karl
2008New facts about the munich headache studyVithoulkas, George; Seiler, Hanspeter
2008The homeopathic treatment of cancer part 2Von Klinkenberg, Carl Rudolf
2008An analysis of the concept of miasm in the light of the state of medicine as existing in 18th Century EuropeMathur, Mohit
2008The Homeopathic revolution: Why famous people and cultural heroes choose homeopathy (an excerpt)Ullman, Dana
2008Hahnemann and homeopathy: Pioneering work in psychiatryA Merizalde, Bernardo
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 804