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An old and rare journals on Homoeopathy Published by Hahnemann Publishing Company, Calcutta


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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1926
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1977-01Metastasis, a Theory that is FalseJackson, William E
1977-07And now AllergyBoyson, William A
1977-09My Clinical CasesKrishnamurthy, V
1977-08Is a vacuum going to be created in the field of therapeutics and is homoeopathy as it stands today prepared to effectively occupy that vaccum?-
1977Medorrhinum and EcologyMargutti, V M
1977-02Text-Book of Homoeopathic Theory and Practice of MedicineKrishnamurthy, V
1977Guidelines for Research some possible avenuesKrishnamurthy, V
1977-11Boericke's VS. Kent's Repertory: A Case StudyKrishnamurthy, V
1977-08Human Pendulam-A Plausible HypothesisRay, Sri Tushar
1977-05Quality VS QuantityBanerjee, T N
1977-01Homeopathy is only OnePaschero Pablo, Tomas
1977-02The Real Meaning of Totality of SymptomsHossain, Syed Anwar
1977-08Leucoderma (Vitiligo), Brief History and the Homoeopathic view pointWadia, S R
1977-04A Surgical case cured with a Rare homoeopathic remedyWadia, S R
1977RepertorizationSchmidt, Roger A
1977-04Ethics and Responsibility of the physicianSchmidt, Roger A
1977Real Meaning of the totality of symptomsKapoor, R K
1977-10The Comorosan Effect and Information Transfer in Dilute solutionsRawson, D S
1977-04Data on which the Homoeopathic Prescription are basedKumta, Prakash S
1977-01The Real meaning of the totality of symptomsSapra, Pushpinder
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1926