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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Background: Prospective assessment of homoeopathic symptoms is different from eliciting symptoms in daily practice. In prognostic factor research, we apply symptom questionnaires with Likert scales to assess symptoms in different intensities. In former research, we tested a 5-point Likert scale, which rendered a rather high prevalence for some symptoms even the strongest intensity, not useful in daily practice. A longer, 7-point Likert scale might render more useful outcome. Objective: To study if a longer Likert scale perform better in homoeopathic prognostic factor research. Methods: A 7-point Likert scale questionnaire with 30 polar symptoms was tested on 300 patients. Responses to various domains of temperature, climate, diurnal, influence of sleep, eating and desires/aversions were elicited. The outcome was compared with the former 5-point Likert scale. Results: The mean prevalence of all symptoms in the highest intensity with the 7-point Likert scale is (much) lower than in the 5-point scale, and for some symptoms, more useful. For a few symptoms, the prevalence remained high, even in the highest intensity. Conclusion: A longer Likert scale performs better in homoeopathic prognostic factor research, but not for all symptoms. The filling out of this questionnaire by patients should be guided by homoeopathic practitioners who are properly trained in prospective assessment of homoeopathic symptoms.Khurana, Anil
2020COVID-19: What lies ahead for HomoeopathyKhurana, Anil
2021Homoeopathy in COVID-19: Building evidenceKhurana, Anil
2020An online cross‑sectional survey on knowledge, attitudes, practices and perspectives of homoeopathic practitioners towards COVID‑19Taneja, Divya; Khurana, Anil
2020A review on the role of Homoeopathy in epidemics with some reflections on COVID‑19 (SARS‑CoV‑2)Chaudhary, Anupriya; Khurana, Anil
2021Second wave of COVID‑19: Steps and future visionKhurana, Anil