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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2001Anaemia- A rusty knifeKothari, Manu; Mehta, Lopa
2001And what pray, is jaundice?Kothari, Manu; Mehta, Lopa
2005Backache- NotoalgiaKothari, Manu; Mehta, Lopa
2003Disease of the brainKothari, Manu; Mehta, Lopa
2004Fever: Healing power of natureKothari, Manu; Mehta, Lopa
2004Irritable bowel syndromeKothari, Manu; Mehta, Lopa
2003Penta-c agnosis: Fivefold blindness in cliniciansKothari, Manu; Mehta, Lopa
2002Trauma: Nature's wayKothari, Manu; Mehta, Lopa
2005The treeth of the plant kingdomKothari, Manu; Mehta, Lopa
2001Uterus: Needs timely H'pathic helpKothari, Manu; Mehta, Lopa
2003Varied course veinsKothari, Manu; Mehta, Lopa